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CONTACT Study Interest

Interest in joining the CONTACT study

Please contact us using the email link given below. It would help us greatly if you could answer the questions given below and include them in your email.

When you complete this form, your details will be automatically sent to the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom. Your details will only be used to contact you for the purposes of this research study and only members of the study team at the University of Leeds will see your details. We will only keep your personal details for the duration of time that your home is participating in the study. If your home does not participate in the study your personal data will be destroyed. If you would like more information on how we process your data, please see:

Your Name

Contact Email Address

Your Role

Care Home Name

Care Home Address

1. Are you interested in using a contact tracing system in your home? (Yes/No)
(Do you think Residents, Staff, and Visitors in your home would be willing to wear a small device (key fob/watch)?)

2. Are you taking part in any other Research at the moment? (Yes/No)

2a. if yes, please provide study name:
2b. if yes, what is the research focus? (eg. COVID-19 / Infection Prevention / Other – please specify)

3. Do you have staff able to support research activity? (Yes/No)
(Key activity will include; Training/Resident and Staff recruitment,and information collection)

4. Are you part of an organisation with multiple homes in Yorkshire / Midlands? (Yes/No)

4a. if yes, please provide name of organisation:

5. When could you start Research activity? (April, May, June, July or August
(Training, Resident and Staff recruitment, Contact tracing installation, and information collection)

Email your answers to