Trial Overview – additional information
Patients who agree to take part in the study will have their keratinocyte skin cancer removal surgery as planned. Following surgery, they will be randomised to receive either best standard care or best standard care with the addition of compression therapy.
Best standard care will include wound dressings, advice about skin care, activities, and wound checks with a nurse or doctor. Care will continue until the wound has healed.
Those patients who are randomised to have compression therapy will have this applied on the day of surgery and this treatment will continue until the wound has healed.
Patients will be specifically asked to attend the clinic after 4 weeks to have their wound assessed, photographed and other information collected.
Patients taking part in the study will get a regular phone call from a member of the research team about their wound and the treatments received, these will continue until their wound has healed. Phone calls will be every week. If healing has not happened in six months, then phone calls will continue monthly. When their wound has healed, patients will be invited to attend a clinic to confirm this.
At this visit both patient and doctor will be asked to complete a short questionnaire to assess the quality of the scar. After 3, 6 and 12 months (until their wound has healed) patients will be sent a short questionnaire to complete, about how they feel since their operation, their health-related quality of life and any healthcare use like GP or hospital visits.
The following roadmap illustrates the information collection time points and locations (either hospital or home):