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Patient and Public Involvement

PPI Involvement and HEALS2

The involvement of people with personal experience is central to our work. We have worked in partnership since the very beginning and patient and public involvement (PPI) has helped shape the work for HEALS2. We also have PPI oversight in our Steering Committee, as well as PPI representatives on the trial management group. We want our research to be of value and we believe that working in partnership with people with personal experience is key to making that happen.

How have patients helped develop this research?

An introductory meeting was held with people who had previously had skin cancers removed from their legs. The study aims were explained and different types of compression therapy were demonstrated to them. Participants gave their views on wearing hosiery or bandages. We also asked for their thoughts on different ways of collecting information and following up patients. These have been included in the study design.

Patient representatives have been involved in every stage of the funding application and continue to be involved as part of the study team to help us with the following:

  • The design of the research
  • The management of the research
  • Carrying out the research
  • The analysis of results
  • Share the findings with the wider public

Our PPI Members

John Dooher

Founder member, trustee and treasurer of Gorlin Syndrome Group (2002~2023). He has experience as a partner of someone with a dermatological condition and has PPI involvement at local level and national levels. Member of the HEALS2 Trial Management Group.

John Holmes

Personal and family experience of skin cancer removal. He is the Chairman, Director and Trustee of Skcin; The Karen Clifford Skin Cancer Charity. Member of the HEALS2 Trial Steering Committee.

Diane Cannon