PUQOL-UI Registration
To access the PUQOL-UI questionnaire and a scoring algorithm please complete the details below. Upon submission a member of the study team will send you a copy of the questionnaire and the algorithm. The PUQOL-UI and relevant materials are free of charge to academic research and clinical use. A small not-for-profit administration fee is requested for industry use.
The PUQOL-UI questionnaire and associated materials presents independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under its Programme Grants for Applied Research Programme (grant reference number : RP-PG-0407-10056). The views expressed are those of the authors and not the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.
Permission for use statement (English use):
Copyright of the Pressure Ulcer Quality of Life – Utility Index (PUQOL-UI) and the algorithm will remain with the, Academic Unit of Health Economics, CTRU, University of Leeds and the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. PUQOL-UI cannot be amended in any way. For example, the instructions and items within PUQOL-UI must be used as they appear in the tool (the indication of copyright should remain on any copies).
Permission for use statement (non-English use):
Please discuss with the PUQOL-UI study team if you wish to use this instrument outside the UK. The valuation study was based on a UK general population sample and may not be transferable outside a UK context.
Privacy Notice
We would like to collect your name and contact details so that we can get in touch with you in the future about the PUQOL-UI questionnaire and scoring algorithm. In particular, we are interested to know if you use these to collect research data. Provision of these details is completely optional and you can still download the questionnaires if you do not provide them. You can find out more about how we will use and store this data in the privacy policy below.
PUQOL Privacy Policy Once your registration is complete, an email will be sent to the email address you sent that contains links to the documents you have registered for, along with contact details for the PUQOL team. In some cases, this email may be delivered to you junk/spam folder, so please check there if it appears not to have arrived.